A Letter from Howard Murphet
Volume 2 Issue 18 Oct 2004 Feature Articles

A Letter from Howard Murphet
Reflections by Dr G Venkataraman

Sai Ram. It is some time since I did a reflection piece – unfortunately, I have been too busy to attend to this responsibility of mine. Yet, recent events have compelled me to abandon my [untenable] excuse, and what compelled me to do so was an open letter from Howard Murphet that somehow found its way to me, via the miracle of modern electronics.

Just prior to receiving this moving essay, I was deluged by a whole bunch of negative newspaper comments in Britain, triggered by an unsavoury documentary produced by a TV channel on Swami. Determined though I was not to be affected by this news from the gutter, being human, I could not help feeling some pain in my Heart. That was when this letter came to me – I guess it was Swami’s way of sending me some soothing balm.

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