Volume 16 - Issue 04
April 2018
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Posted on: Apr 07, 2018

Quiz on Uncle Lion’s Tales - 2

In May 2015, Radio Sai offered the first episode of Uncle Lion’s Tales series. The intention was to convey values in a visually engaging format, meant especially for children and teenagers.

Since then 85 such stories have been published and the response from viewers has been highly encouraging.

Even as we prepare to present more such animated value stories, maybe it is a good idea to revisit these tales and perhaps spend more time with them so that we make the most of what we have now.

Below are some suggested group specific activities for gurus of Bal Vikas / SSE / EHV to use as a guide for a class activity post joint viewing of the Episode of Uncle Lion’s Tales. A parent / grandparent viewing the episode with their ward can also use these to impart values / good habits.

We invite gurus to send in any other questions that they raised in class through which they were able to impart valuable teaching or provoke a meaningful discussion.

Questions Based on the story “God Has a Plan” (Season 2 – Episode 1)


For Group 2

For children aged between 9 and 12

The questions are related to the episode but not necessarily based on it. 



1. Complete the following quotes:

a. Time _______ is Life _______.

b. Start _______, drive _______, reach _______

c. Do not waste a single _______ in idling or _______ living.

d. Haste makes _______. _______ makes worry. So why be in a _______?

e. The only _______ change is slow, _______ change.




2. Some of the Sathya Sai Ashtothram names relate Time and Swami. List them down.




3. According to you, which of the Bhagawad Geetha slokas you have learnt teach the concept of Trust and Faith in God?



The two questions below are open ended for discussion.  You could encourage the older students of group 2 to write out the answers in about 100 – 150 words and upload the best of the entries from your class on the comments section below the quiz.

4. What do you think would have happened to the butterfly whose cocoon Billy broke? Did his concern help?

(Hint to guru / parent: Open-ended question for discussion about how challenges are for strengthening us. Even seva should be guided by wisdom to make a positive difference)




5. How would you show your love to your grandparents?

(Hint to guru / parent: Open-ended question to bring about discussions about respect and concern for elderly and build up appreciation for their affection)



Group 3 and above


The following questions are open ended and intended to provoke meaningful class discussions. Gurus are welcome to encourage their students to write out the answers in about 300 to 500 words each, select the best answers for each question and upload them on the comments section below the quiz.

  1. The Bhagavad Geetha Sloka ‘Ananyas chinthayanthomam, ye jana paryupasathe.’ And the tale in “God has a plan” video both indicate that God will take care of everything and we ourselves just need to be patient. Does this indicate that we should do nothing except wait?

  2. Swami has said that the person who says he has no time is the biggest fool on this earth. Do you agree? If so, why? If not, why not?

  3. Many of the Bhaja Govindam slokas refer to time. However, the message there that seeks to instil urgency seems to contrast with the message of this video that teaches us to wait patiently with trust in God. Which one do you agree with? And why?


For Group 1 questions, go here please

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