Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

Swami beautifully desribes today how we undermine the beautiful gift that God has given to each one of us which is the human body.

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Sai Inspires - 10th June 2008

The human body is spoken of as a temple where the individual soul is installed. I would prefer to describe it as a house taken on rent by you. God is the Master, the owner. The jeevi (tenant) has taken it on rent and is occupying it. The rent has to be paid in the form of good deeds, good thoughts, good speech and good conduct. But, the tenant ignores the owner and does not pay the rent. So, the Master has to compel the man to vacate. He sends 'notices' reminding him of the need to vacate, unless he pays the rent. Grey hairs are the first intimation; the tenant dyes his hair and pays no heed to the warning. The teeth fall out; that is the second warning. The tenant gets a denture fixed and ignores this reminder too. Cataract in the eye is the next warning of the need to leave the house; an operation helps him to pass it by. Glasses restore his sight. The skin becomes loose, wrinkled. This warning too is unheeded; the man hides the signal with the help of cosmetics. So, the owner has to send his emissaries - a few fatal illnesses - and force him to clear out of the house. Why stick on, for years, like crows? Far better to live happily like a royal swan, albeit for a short span. Live ideal lives through controlled minds.

- Divine Discourse, February 5, 1981.

Master the mind, be a mastermind. - Baba

With Love and Regards,
"Heart2Heart" Team.
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