Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam and greetings from Prasanthi Nilayam.

Swami today enlightens us about the essence of education.

Featured on Radio Sai:
"Straight from the Heart - Extracts from Kodai Experiences of Students

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"My Invaluable Experiences
with Sai EHV"?

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Sai Inspires - June 08, 2011

Education denotes Vidya which is the Knowledge of the Self. This is the foundation of education. Students should acquire sacred education beginning with thoughts of God. Even an illiterate driver in India salutes the steering wheel before he starts the vehicle. Similarly, a musician offers salutation to the musical instrument before playing on it. Thus, when one begins any type of learning it should start with the Name of God and prayer. Every activity should be done as an offering to God without any artificiality and ostentation. Degrees acquired without the essence of education are only pieces of paper. Students must have a pure and sacred heart, and virtues from a sacred education should be reflected on their faces. In fact, every individual should be imbued with divine feelings.

– Divine Discourse, May 30, 2006.


Virtue is the sign of an educated person. – Baba