16 August, 2011
Featured on Radio Sai:
Bhagawan explains today how important a virtue contentment is, for a spiritual life.  

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- Part 23: Eswaran"

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Contentment is a pure (sathwic) quality; it will not transform you into an idler; no. Instead, it will bring you closer to God and grant you peace. You will also find yourself less selfish and being able to overcome many pitfalls of the path. You will be able to discern the impermanent in life and reject their temptations. Discrimination, renunciation, and the spirit of inquiry, all develop through contentment. The contented person will become very pure (sathwic) and will attain a rich inner life in communion with the Atma. They will be able to undertake any work without rest and complaint and will acquire one-pointedness of mind. Contentment gives all spiritual aspirants the enthusiasm and vigour necessary for treading the path, that leads to Sakshathkara (realisation of God).

- Sathya Sai Vahini, Ch 21:”The Inner Inquiry”.

sathya sai baba
It is not a sign of true bhakti (devotion) to expect that life should be
one unbroken chain of happiness and comfort - Baba.