Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam
06 June, 2013
Featured on Radio Sai:
What is the role of discrimination in setting us free? Bhagawan explains to us in crystal clear terms today.  

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"Talk by Dr. Venkat Sadanand at
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- 26 Aug 2012 - Part 1 "

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Sathya Sai Baba

The life principle (Jeevathathwa) is like the grain covered in the husk of delusion (Maya), as that rice is enveloped in the paddy. The husk (Maya) has to be removed. The grain (Jeevathathwa) has to be boiled and made soft and assimilated so that it might add to health and strength. The softened rice can be compared to the Supreme Soul (Paramathma). The mind should be employed in this process. It has to be fixed in the Truth (Sathya) and the Ever-lasting (Nithya). To remove the husk, Discrimination (Viveka) is an effective instrument. Develop the power of discrimination and find out, which is beneficial, and which is not. Seek the light always – be full of confidence and zest. Never yield to despair, for it has never produced any results!

- Divine Discourse, Aug 2, 1958.

When the mind and the intellect unite, humanness reaches a state of freedom, which is referred to as liberation (Moksha). - Baba