Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam
01 Feb 2017
Featured on Radio Sai:
Why should our spiritual practices be consistent? Bhagawan lovingly answers this question for us and inspires us.  

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'Outside Inside Deep Inside -
Hyderabad Youth - Part 1 of
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Sathya Sai Baba

Life is like a flight of steps toward the Divine. Your foot is on the first step when you are born; each day is a step that must be climbed. So be steady, watchful and earnest. Do not count the steps ahead or exult over the steps behind. One step at a time, well climbed, is enough success to be satisfied with and to give you encouragement for the next one. Do not slide from the step you have reached. Every step is a victory to be cherished; every day wasted is a defeat to be ashamed of. Slow and steady — let that be your maxim! Adhere to a regular timely routine to repeat the Lord’s Name and meditate. Just as the doctor prescribes a certain fixed quantity of the drug and warns you that anything less is ineffective and anything more is harmful, so too, balance your spiritual exercises. Do not overdo them or do them casually without care.

- Divine Discourse, Mar 17, 1961.

Never get inflated when praised or deflated when blamed. Be a spiritual lion. - Baba