Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam
09 Jul 2018
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What are the simple tools we all need in life to set right our minds? Bhagawan lovingly reminds us today with a ‘handy’ example.  

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Sathya Sai Baba

These days when one goes on a picnic, one takes a mirror, a comb and a handkerchief. Why do people keep them? While travelling, wind may blow their hair out of place, so they use a mirror and comb to tidy it. These help you look beautiful. Similarly, don’t you need a few tools to correct the disturbed beauty of your mind? Just as your mirror tells you whether your hair is disheveled or not, the utility of devotion reveals the state of your mind! With this clean mirror, it will be easy to see whether there is impurity in the mind or not. When we recognise that the mind is disturbed, we must correct it immediately and to do so, we need the comb of wisdom! Detachment (Vairagyam) is the cloth that wipes the dirt from our heart. As you journey along life, wherever you are, always carry the virtues of devotion, wisdom and detachment.

- Divine Discourse, Sep 12, 1984.

The first task of all teachers is to cultivate virtue in the hearts of their students. - Baba