Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam
16 Jul 2018
Featured on Radio Sai:
What is the root-cause of the absence of peace and confusion in the present times? What should we do to live in joy and peace? Bhagawan lovingly reminds us today.  

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'Shravanam Mananam Nidhidhyasanam - clips from 1991 Summer Course Discourses - Episode 131'

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'Mujhe Darsha Dhikao Bhagawan...
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Sathya Sai Baba

A single household now has ten factions and parties. Those who cannot reform their own homes have started reforming the country and are advising others about cooperation and harmonious living. Knowledge of the Atma as the very basis of all beings is now forgotten, and that is the cause for all the unrest, confusion, and moral crisis today! Decline in the discipline of constant thought of the Lord (namasmarana) is the root-cause of the decline of this country. It is to awaken the sleeping and communicate this message to them that God descends. If anyone calls you weak, do not believe it. You have intelligence, discipline, spiritual capacity, consciousness of others’ excellences, awareness of your faults, and eagerness to improve yourself — then how can you be called weak? Remember, a prayerful life will not yield to the fury of passion; it will be a source of strength and cooperation. I bless that all of you may have lives full of joy and peace.

- Divine Discourse, Dec 09, 1963.

Desires are born of greed. When greed is weakened more and more,
discontent declines in equal measure. - Baba