Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam
31 Aug 2018
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What should we seek from God and place before Him? Bhagawan lovingly reminds us as we start planning for Krishnashtami this year!  

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The Lord who is Prema Swarupa (Divine Love personified) will grant you all that you need despite your not asking for anything. He knows; He is the Mother who does not wait to hear the moan of the child to feed it. His love is so vast and deep; He anticipates every need and rushes to help you. You are always praying anxiously and placing before Me the long lists of wishes you have. These wishes go on multiplying endlessly. The fulfilment of one leads to a new series. Strive to arrive at the stage when His wish alone will count and you are an instrument in His Hands. Gopis desired to listen only to Krishna's glory, Krishna's charm, Krishna's words, Krishna's pranks, plays, pastimes, and Krishna's achievements and attainments. When you fill yourselves with love for Krishna, you achieve sarupya and sayujya (likeness of form and absorption into Krishna). Strive for that consummation, not for lesser victories.

- Divine Discourse, Jul 13, 1965.

Sathya Sai Baba
Worship of God in temples and shrines has its place in sanctifying time and
sublimating the instincts and impulses. - Baba