Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam
01 Dec 2018
Featured on Radio Sai:
As spiritual aspirants, what should we do to improve ourselves? Bhagawan lovingly and sternly reminds us today.  

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Sathya Sai Baba

Embodiments of Divine! Different people today pursue different kinds of Sadhana. To realise the benefits of this Sadhana, they go to Ashrams, adore elders and worship them. As long as egoism remains in them, all these exercises are of no avail. Hence suppress your ego, bury the sense of possessiveness and develop attachment to the Atma to realise your true humanness. In Sai organisations, the primary requisite is unity and mutual trust. Only with unity can you promote the wellbeing of the world. If there is discord within the organisation, how can you serve others? Today, envy, hatred and anger are causing havoc amongst all people. At the outset, destroy your ego. Then anger will subside. Anger is described as incense offered to sin. Make forbearance your ornament. Through love, eliminate your bad traits. Do your duty without projecting your ego. Develop mutual helpfulness. Be friendly towards each other and carry on your work with joy and peace.

- Divine Discourse, Oct 07, 1993.

Desire destroys devotion, anger destroys wisdom, greed destroys work
– hence these bad qualities must be given up. - Baba