Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam
06 Oct 2020
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Why should we be ever vigilant against our inner temptations? Bhagawan lovingly teaches us characteristics to look out for, which if left unchecked can lead us to ruin.  

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Sathya Sai Baba

The temptation to ignore Dharma grows from egoism and the acceptance of false values. The wish to satisfy lower desires is the root of Adharma (unrighteousness). This wish takes hold of you slyly, silently, like a thief in the night; or like a comrade come to save you; or like a servant come to attend on you; or, like a counsellor come to warn you. Oh, wickedness has a thousand tricks to capture your heart. You must be ever alert against the temptation. The wish makes a chink in your consciousness, enters and establishes itself and then multiplies its brood and eats into the personality you have built up with laborious care. The fort is no longer under your control. You have been reduced into a puppet manipulated by these inner enemies. Whenever you try to rebuild yourselves, they undermine the structure and you have to do it all over again. That is the extent of the harm they do!

- Divine Discourse, Apr 15, 1964.

Our deeds reveal our motives, our motives design our habits, our habits decide our character,
and our character determines our destination. - Baba