Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam
09 Apr 2021
How can we infer the existence of the Supreme Lord through our everyday experiences? Bhagawan lucidly explains the mystery and majesty of the Creator!  

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The cosmos is a magnificent wonder, a source of continuous amazement. It cannot but impress one as a supreme marvel! When an object has to be made, we know, we need someone with the skill, intelligence, and power to make it. Without a maker, nothing can be made. Therefore, how could these visible objects - Sun, Moon, stars, and constellations, move and behave as they do without a designer, a maker, a master? Can they yield to any ordinary power? No! After observing the objects designed and made with such mighty capabilities, intelligent people can easily infer how immeasurable the power of the Maker Himself must be. Look at the marvelous variety in creation. No one thing is the same as another; no one person resembles another. This can only be the sport (leela) of the phenomenon with limitless glory - God. Anyone can understand that no lesser power could be the source. On the basis of the mystery that is inherent in creation, one can easily infer the Almighty Power that created it.

- Sutra Vahini, Ch 2.

Sathya Sai Baba
Those who are incapable of unraveling the mystery of the created
can never unravel the nature of the Creator. - Baba