Prashanti Diary
Volume 2 Issue 18 Oct 2004 Miscellaneous

Then Swami rose to give His second Discourse of the day to the joy of all. Elaborating on the need to practise the Teachings, Swami quoted the example of Ravana who knew the scriptures but did not follow them and met with a miserable end, being beheaded by Rama in a decisive battle. Bhagavan also mentioned the example of Droupadi, who showed remarkable patience, forbearance and forgiveness, when she restrained her husbands from killing Aswattama in revenge for the murder of all her infants. Swami mentioned that the quality of patience and perseverance in women is great, and they are able to control evil qualities from overtaking them. Praising Sathya (adherence to truth) and Dharma (righteousness) as the greatest characteristics of Indian culture, He said that they can save the country from degeneration. Swami also exhorted everyone to respect women and treat them with the dignity due to them.

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