Stealer of Hearts
Volume 2 Issue 18 Oct 2004 Cover Story

There was a Gopi, for example, called Suguna, who had no other thought than those related to Krishna. Now every evening, it was the usual routine in Brindavan for every housewife to light the lamp from the flame of the lamp at the house of Nanda; they believed that getting light from the flame of the lamp of the eldest and highest is auspicious. Suguna went with the lamp to Nanda’s house and when she reached the house her mind was lost in the thrill and joy of seeing the very house where Krishna spent his childhood days; to which his pranks and prattle drew all the cowherd boys and girls. She stood there with her unlighted lamp for a long while, near the big oil lamp, illumining the central hall. She was holding the lamp near the flame, but not near enough. She had her finger right over the flame. She was not aware that her finger was being scorched by the flame; she was too full of Krishna Consciousness to be aware of the pain. It was Yasoda who saw her plight and woke her from the reverie, or shall we say, vision? For, to her, the house was alive with Krishna wherever her eyes turned. That is the Thanmayathwam or identification one must achieve. There is no use if the fledgling stays in the nest; it should develop wings and fly into the sky. There is no use if man grovels in the dust; he should see the distant goal, clear and grand; he should take to his wings and fly.

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