Stealer of Hearts
Volume 2 Issue 18 Oct 2004 Cover Story

The language of samsaara (worldly life) is the only language they know; the regions of Thuriya—beyond the regions of wakefulness, dream and deep sleep - to which those experiences relate - are not within their reach. So, they drag the subject down to their own level and claim that they have mastered their mystery.

Through your daily avocations and activities you can realise the Lord, believe Me! The Gopis are the best examples of this, the best proofs. Remember ever the Name of the Lord with agony of unfulfilled search and remember ever the beauteous Form with the agony of being forced to be away—and you too can see Krishna in your midst. That yearning must be there; then, the result is certain.

Let your mind ever dwell on Krishna. Sanctify every word and deed by filling it with Prema of Krishna, or whatever Name and Form you give to the Lord you love.

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